♣。팝 샹송 3세계음악·····♣/♬팝 ~송 음악 450

You are not alone(내마음은 당신곁으로)/Niko

You are not alone(내마음은 당신곁으로)/Niko Another day has gone I'm still all alone How could this be You're not here with me You never said goodbye Someone tell me why Did you have to go And leave my world so cold Everyday I sit and ask myself How did love slip away Something whispers in my ear and says That you are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to..

아만다 리어 - 당신이 그리울 거예요 (돌아올 거에요)

I'll miss you (Tornero)Ammanda Lear now it's time to say goodbye I'll fly away tonight I propise I won't let her cry I'll miss you can it be possible to be away from you you know for me you mean so much without you, life is just an ever ending emptiness I'll miss you can it be possible to be away from you (time) time to say good bye I'll fly away tonight I'll miss you I'll miss you I'll miss yo..

Tornero / I Santo California

Rivedo ancora il treno allontanarsi e tu 아직도 기차가 멀어져가는 걸 봅니다 그리고 그댄 che asciughi quella lacrima Tornero 눈물을 닫으세요. 나는 돌아올테니까 Come e possibile un anno senza te 어떻게 당신없이 일년을 보낼수있을지 Adesso scrive, aspettami ! 지금 소식을 써 주오,날 기다려주오 Il tempo passerà 시간은 지나갈것 ..

Les Feuilles Mortes( 고엽 Autumn Leaves) / Yves Montand

가사 : 쟉끄 프레베르의 시(Poeme de Jacques Prevert) Oh ! je voudrais tant que tu te souviennes 오! 나는 그대가 기억하기를 간절히 원해요 Des jours heureux ou nousetions amis 우리가 정다웠었던 행복한 날들을 En ce temps-la la vieetait plus belle 그 때 그시절 인생은그렇게도 아름다웠고 태양은 오늘보다 더 작열했었지요 Les feuille..

Rester Femme (남겨진 여자) - Axelle red

Rester Femme (남겨진 여자) Laisse-moi rester femme, Laisse-moi rester femme Je ferai tout pour t'encourager, Ne pas t'étouffer Pour que tu m'aimes, Je donnerai tout le temps qu'il faudra Je porterai plus que mes bas noirs, Je ne te demanderai plus de m'appeler Quand tu rentres tard, Et même si je voulais savoir Où tu es et qui tu vois, qui te sépare de moi Je ferai semblant de croi..